Money Bistro S02: Digital Video Series
client: Raiffeisen Bank
The sequel of the digital video series campaign created for Raiffeisen Bank called Money Bistro Season 2. Throughout the 8 episodes, we discover the life of a modern family and their financial updowns.
Idea: In order to make financial topics more easily to digest, we imagined the journey of a real family that struggles with the daily hassle: saving for holidays, unexpected weddings, adolescent needs, cooking vs. eating out, renting vs. buying a house and many more. The host, Andi Vasluianu, guides the family through their struggles with the help of financial and lifestyle experts.
Awards: Silver in the Best Content Marketing Category, Digital Communication Awards, Berlin; Gold in the Financial Category, Romanian PR Award; Best Society Engagement Campaign and ESG (Social), Eventiada Awards & Leadership Dialogue Forum.
Concept and campaign created together with Rogalski Damaschin PR agency.
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